About Us

ESG Policy

With the wave of sustainability coming, more and more end-users regard sustainability as a key indicator for brand selection. As a leader in sheet metal cabinet processing in Taiwan, Machan has incorporated sustainable thinking into the company's future innovation strategy since 2022.
Machan ESG Policy Meeting

We are pleased to announce that Machan has officially released the 'ESG Sustainable Development Corporate Report' on our website in the first quarter of 2024. Please click the link below to download and browse. Stay tuned. In the spirit of ESG's energy-saving and carbon reduction, Machan has not produced a large volume of printed copies for distribution. We welcome friends to browse and provide feedback. The Machan team has initiated activities, established a Development Committee, and under its jurisdiction, there are the Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Group, Green Product Group, CSR Group, and Corporate Governance Group. These groups manage various ESG indicators and systems and unfold the strategies and actions for the next three years. 


Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Team

‧   Promote energy management system ISO50001
‧   Integrating environment, waste and water management
‧   Promote energy saving, carbon reduction and waste reduction
‧   Promote green building factories
‧   Organize carbon inventory ISO14064
‧   Promote sustainable smart factories

Green Product Team

‧   Green product design or packaging materials
‧   Invest in green energy-related markets
‧   Customer relationship management and ESG management
‧   Promote circular economy
‧   Product carbon footprint ISO14067
‧   Promote zero-carbon products

CSR Team

  Environmental protection volunteers
  Promote zero-carbon activities and culture
  Create a happy workplace and promote harmony between labor and capital
  Improve the talent development system TTQS
  Integrated health, safety and sanitation management
  Good neighborliness
  Actively participate in public welfare associations and public affairs

Corporate Governance Team

  Supply chain relationship and ESG management
  Internal control and internal audit system
  Risk management
  Corporate Integrity
  Information Security and Commercial Confidentiality
  Product Certification and Customer Safety

We self-examine the culture and discover the sustainable value belonging to Machan. In the future, we will continue to expand the influence, hoping to effectively implement it in product strength and consumer communication, so as to encourage more people to work together for this.

With professional experiences and customization capabilities, we can help companies to find the most suitable solutions.

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